As Daniel Jones, author of Love Illuminated, explains: we spend our youth asking How do I find love? 《启蒙的爱》的作者丹尼尔·琼斯(DanielJones)说:年轻的时候,我们总是在问‘我怎样才能找到真爱’?
THE Civil War saga Lincoln leads the Academy Awards with 12 nominations, including best picture, director for Steven Spielberg and acting honors for British-born Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones. 美国内战传奇《林肯》12项提名领跑奥斯卡金像奖,其中包括最佳影片奖,史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格的最佳导演和英国出生的丹尼尔•戴•刘易斯,莎莉•菲尔德和汤米•李•琼斯的表演殊荣。
He was a pupil to Daniel Jones. 他是丹尼尔·琼斯的学生。
Daniel Jones is generally referred to as the foremost authority on phonetics. 丹尼尔琼斯通常被认为是语音学方面的最高权威。